SQL Server Integration with Edilitics
SQL Server is a powerful relational database management system developed by Microsoft. It is widely used for storing, managing, and retrieving data for various applications. SQL Server allows users to create databases, define tables with structures, and write queries to access and manipulate information efficiently. Its scalability and robust security features make it a popular choice for businesses of all sizes. To learn more about SQL Server, visit the official SQL Server website.
Within the Edilitics platform, SQL Server can be used both as a source and destination for data, making it a versatile tool for data analysis workflows. This enables you to leverage SQL Server’s strengths for data storage and retrieval within your Edilitics environment.
This step-by-step guide equips you with the knowledge to configure your SQL Server database and integrate it with Edilitics for data analysis.
Before You Begin
Ensure you have the following:
MS SQL Server instance is up and running.
SQL Server version 12 or higher for compatibility with Edilitics.
TCP/IP protocol enabled on your MS SQL Server, typically using port 1433 for communication.
For pipelines using Change Tracking mode, the database user requires:
The database user must always possess
Setting Up SQL Server for Edilitics Integration
Step 1: Set Up SQL Server (Optional)
If you already have a functioning SQL Server instance, skip this step. This section outlines installing SQL Server on Windows Server 2019.
Download and Install SQL Server
- Visit the Microsoft Evaluation Center and navigate to the SQL Server downloads section.
- Download the 64-bit SQL Server 2019 Evaluation Edition.
Run the downloaded installer.
Choose Basic Installation and follow the on-screen instructions.
Step 2: Enable Remote Access
To allow Edilitics to connect to your SQL Server instance:
Enable TCP/IP Protocol
Open SQL Server Configuration Manager.
Navigate to SQL Server Network Configuration > Protocols for MSSQLSERVER.
- Right-click TCP/IP and select Enable.
- Verify the IP Addresses tab to ensure the TCP/IP port is set to 1433.
Create Firewall Rules
To allow incoming connections to port
: -
Open PowerShell as an administrator.
Run the following command:
New-NetFirewallRule -DisplayName "SQLServer Default Instance" -Direction Inbound -LocalPort 1433 -Protocol TCP -Action Allow -
- If additional firewall rules are needed, consult your network administrator.
Create a Login User
Open SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) and connect using Windows Authentication.
Enable SQL Server and Windows Authentication mode.
- Right-click your server name, select Properties > Security.
- Enable SQL Server and Windows Authentication mode.
- Restart the SQL Server service.
- Create a new SQL Server login user with appropriate privileges:
Step 3: Configure the Database and User
Create a New Database (Optional)
- Open SSMS.
- Right-click Databases > New Database.
- Enter a Database Name and click OK.
Create a Schema (Optional)
- To organize tables, create a schema within your database:
USE [<your_database_name>];GOCREATE SCHEMA [<schema_name>];GO
Create a Database User and Grant Privileges
- Run the following SQL commands to create a database user and assign privileges:
CREATE LOGIN [<login_name>] WITH PASSWORD=N'<strong_password>', DEFAULT_DATABASE=[<database_name>];GOCREATE USER [<username>] FOR LOGIN [<login_name>];GOGRANT ALTER, SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE ON SCHEMA::<schema_name> TO <username>;GOGRANT CREATE TABLE, INSERT, SELECT, UPDATE ON DATABASE::<database_name> TO <username>;GO
Privilege | Purpose |
ALTER | Allows creating, altering, and dropping schema objects. |
SELECT | Allows selecting data from tables. |
INSERT | Allows inserting data into tables. |
UPDATE | Allows updating existing records in tables. |
CREATE TABLE | Allows creating new tables (useful if creating a dedicated database). |
Connecting SQL Server to Edilitics
Step 4: Add the SQL Server Connector in Edilitics
Log in to Edilitics and navigate to the Integrations module.
Click New Integration.
- Choose the SQL Server connector from the list or use the search bar.
Step 5: Configure the SQL Server Connection
Enter the following connection details:
Field Name | Details |
Integration Title | Give your integration a unique name to identify it in Edilitics. |
Integration Description | Brief description of the integration purpose. |
Database Name | The specific database name in your SQL Server instance. |
Host | The hostname or IP address of your SQL Server instance. |
Port | The port number (1433 ). |
Username | The user account with appropriate privileges. |
Password | The corresponding password for the user account. |
Using a Connection String
Alternatively, connect using the connection string:
Step 6: Test the Connection
- Once you've entered your credentials, click the Test Connection button. Edilitics will attempt to connect to your SQL Server database. You'll see a confirmation message if the connection is successful. If there's a problem, Edilitics will provide details to help you troubleshoot.
Step 7: Verify & Finalize Integration
Preview (Optional): Retrieve a sample of tables and data.
Update (Optional): Modify connection details if needed.
Save: Finalize by encrypting and storing connection details securely.
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