mongodb-atlas MongoDB Atlas

MongoDB Atlas is a cloud-based version of MongoDB, offering a fully managed service with scalability, high availability, and global reach. This makes it ideal for businesses seeking a reliable platform to host their MongoDB deployments. To learn more about MongoDB Atlas, visit the official MongoDB Atlas website.

Within the Edilitics platform, MongoDB Atlas can be used both as a source and destination for data, making it a versatile tool for data analysis workflows. This enables you to leverage MongoDB Atlas’ strengths for data storage and retrieval within your Edilitics environment.

This guide will show you how to set up MongoDB Atlas as a data source in Edilitics. By following these steps, you'll be able to leverage the power of MongoDB Atlas data for insightful analysis within Edilitics.

Before You Begin

Ensure you have the following:

  • Replication configured for MongoDB Atlas using OpLog or Change Streams.

  • Edilitics has read permissions to the MongoDB Atlas databases.

  • Edilitics' IP addresses are whitelisted in your MongoDB Atlas environment:



  • Access to your MongoDB Atlas account credentials.

Setting Up MongoDB Atlas for Edilitics Integration

Step 1: Set Up Permissions

Assigning granular read permissions enhances data access control. Follow one of these methods:

  • Create a Custom Role

    • Log in to the MongoDB Atlas console.

    • Navigate to Security > Database Access.

    MongoDB Atlas interface showing an overview of a cluster named DEMO. Monitoring for the cluster is paused. Options available include 'Connect' and 'Edit configuration'
    MongoDB Atlas interface showing an overview of a cluster named DEMO. Monitoring for the cluster is paused. Options available include 'Connect' and 'Edit configuration'
    • Select Custom Roles > Add New Custom Role.
    MongoDB Atlas interface with a focus on the 'Database Access' section. There is an option to add new custom roles, with a button labeled 'Add New Custom Role'
    MongoDB Atlas interface with a focus on the 'Database Access' section. There is an option to add new custom roles, with a button labeled 'Add New Custom Role'
    • Name the role and define required actions (e.g., Change Streams or OpLog) for intended databases, including the "local" database.

    • Optionally, include roles like readAnyDatabase or listDatabases for broader access.

    • Click Add Custom Role to save.

    MongoDB Atlas interface showing the 'Add Custom Role' screen. A custom role named 'Custom_role_for_Edilitics_User' is being created with various permissions such as 'read', 'find', 'changeStream', 'readAnyDatabase', and 'listDatabases'
    MongoDB Atlas interface showing the 'Add Custom Role' screen. A custom role named 'Custom_role_for_Edilitics_User' is being created with various permissions such as 'read', 'find', 'changeStream', 'readAnyDatabase', and 'listDatabases'
  • Create a Database User

    • Log in to the MongoDB Atlas console.

    • Navigate to Security > Database Access.


    MongoDB Atlas interface under 'Database Access' with an option to create a new database user. A button labeled 'Add New Database User' is visible
    MongoDB Atlas interface under 'Database Access' with an option to create a new database user. A button labeled 'Add New Database User' is visible
    • Choose "Password" authentication, set a username, and assign privileges.
    MongoDB Atlas interface showing the 'Add New Database User' screen. The user is being created with the authentication method set to 'Password' and a username 'Edilitics_User'
    MongoDB Atlas interface showing the 'Add New Database User' screen. The user is being created with the authentication method set to 'Password' and a username 'Edilitics_User'
    • Assign the custom role created in the previous step.
    MongoDB Atlas interface detailing database user privileges. A custom role 'Custom_role_for_Edilitics_User' is selected, and there are options to add specific privileges and restrict access
    MongoDB Atlas interface detailing database user privileges. A custom role 'Custom_role_for_Edilitics_User' is selected, and there are options to add specific privileges and restrict access
    • Configure specific privileges:

      • Assign the "read" role to the "local" database.

      • Grant readAnyDatabase to the "admin" database (for all database access) or assign "read" privileges to specific databases.

      • Include listDatabases privileges for the "admin" database.

    • Cick Add User to finalize.

    MongoDB Atlas interface displaying specific privileges for a database user. The user has 'read' and 'readAnyDatabase' privileges
    MongoDB Atlas interface displaying specific privileges for a database user. The user has 'read' and 'readAnyDatabase' privileges

Note: Allow up to five minutes for permission changes to propagate.

Step 2: Whitelist Edilitics IP Addresses

To allow Edilitics to connect to MongoDB Atlas, whitelist IP addresses:

  • Log in to the MongoDB Atlas console.

  • Navigate to Security > Network Access.

  • Click + ADD IP ADDRESS under IP Access List.

MongoDB Atlas interface in the 'Network Access' section. There is an option to add an IP address to the access list, with a button labeled 'Add IP Address'
MongoDB Atlas interface in the 'Network Access' section. There is an option to add an IP address to the access list, with a button labeled 'Add IP Address'
  • Enter Edilitics IP addresses:


    • Alternatively, use to allow all IPs temporarily (not recommended for production).

MongoDB Atlas interface showing the 'Add IP Access List Entry' screen. An IP address '' is being added with a comment 'Edilitics_1'
MongoDB Atlas interface showing the 'Add IP Access List Entry' screen. An IP address '' is being added with a comment 'Edilitics_1'
  • Click Confirm to save changes.

Step 3: Retrieve Database Settings

Gather the following database settings:

  • Log in to the MongoDB Atlas console.

  • Select the relevant project containing the databases you want to integrate.

  • On the Overview page, locate the Deployments >> Database section and click CONNECT.

MongoDB Atlas interface in the 'Clusters' section showing a cluster named DEMO. The cluster has options like 'Connect', 'View Monitoring', and 'Browse Collections'. Monitoring and data transfer rates are displayed
MongoDB Atlas interface in the 'Clusters' section showing a cluster named DEMO. The cluster has options like 'Connect', 'View Monitoring', and 'Browse Collections'. Monitoring and data transfer rates are displayed
  • In the Connect to Cluster Name pop-up window:

    • Select Developer Tools under Select Client Category.

    • Under Choose a Tool, select Compass (GUI).

    • Check the box for "I have Installed Compass" (even if not installed; it's not required for Edilitics configuration).

  • Choose the appropriate Compass version based on your MongoDB version:

    • Version 1.12 or later for MongoDB versions 3.6 and above.

    • Version 1.11 or earlier for older versions.

  • Copy the connection string displayed in the code block.

  • Replace <username> and <password> with the credentials you created for the Edilitics user in Step 1.

MongoDB Atlas interface for connecting to a cluster named DEMO. The interface includes options for selecting the database user 'Edilitics_User (SCRAM)', choosing a client category and tool (e.g., Compass GUI), and providing the version of Compass installed. Customized connection string instructions are displayed on the right side
MongoDB Atlas interface for connecting to a cluster named DEMO. The interface includes options for selecting the database user 'Edilitics_User (SCRAM)', choosing a client category and tool (e.g., Compass GUI), and providing the version of Compass installed. Customized connection string instructions are displayed on the right side

Connecting MongoDB Atlas to Edilitics

Step 4: Add the MongoDB Atlas Connector in Edilitics

  • Navigate to the Integrations module in Edilitics.

  • Click New Integration.

Edilitics platform in light mode showing the integrations interface. There is an option to create a 'New Integration', and the screen indicates that no integrations have been set up yet
Edilitics platform in light mode showing the integrations interface. There is an option to create a 'New Integration', and the screen indicates that no integrations have been set up yet
  • Choose the MongoDB Atlas connector from the list or use the search bar.
Edilitics platform in light mode showing the integration setup interface. The user is searching for MongoDB integrations, and 'MongoDB' and 'MongoDB Atlas' options are available
Edilitics platform in light mode showing the integration setup interface. The user is searching for MongoDB integrations, and 'MongoDB' and 'MongoDB Atlas' options are available

Step 5: Configure the MongoDB Atlas Connection

Enter the following details on the setup screen:

Field NameDetails
Integration TitleGive your integration a unique name to easily identify it within Edilitics.
Integration DescriptionBriefly describe the data you're integrating.
AI Driven Column InsightsEnable this feature to leverage AI for generating metadata-driven column descriptions automatically. If disabled, column descriptions can be manually curated to align with specific business requirements. Any user-modified descriptions are treated as authoritative and remain immutable.
Database NameThe specific database name in your MongoDB Atlas instance.
HostThe hostname or IP address of your MongoDB Atlas server.
PortThe port number used by your MongoDB Atlas server (default is 27017).
UsernameA user account with permissions to access and read data.
PasswordThe corresponding password for the user account.

Alternatively, use a connection string:

The mongodb+srv:// Connection String


Include options like:

  • retryWrites: Enables retryable writes.

  • w: Specifies the write concern.

  • authSource: Specifies the database to authenticate against.

Step 6: Test the Connection

Once you've entered your credentials, click the Test Connection button. Edilitics will attempt to connect to your MongoDB Atlas database. You'll see a confirmation message if the connection is successful. Otherwise, Edilitics will provide troubleshooting details.

Edilitics platform in light mode displaying the configuration settings for a MongoDB Atlas integration. Details include integration name, description, database name, host, port, username, and password. The 'Test Connection' button is at the bottom
Edilitics platform in light mode displaying the configuration settings for a MongoDB Atlas integration. Details include integration name, description, database name, host, port, username, and password. The 'Test Connection' button is at the bottom

Step 7: Verify & Finalize Integration

Upon successful database connection, you can:

  • Preview (Optional):

    Confirm accuracy by retrieving a sample of tables and data.

  • Update (Optional):

    Modify connection details if the preview deviates from expectations.

  • Save:

    Finalize by encrypting and storing connection details within Edilitics.

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Our dedicated support team is ready to assist you. If you have any questions or need help using Edilitics, please don't hesitate to contact us at We're committed to ensuring your success!

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