Detailed Guide to Sankey Charts


Sankey Charts are not suitable for visualizing cyclical data. These charts are optimized for linear or acyclic flows where the direction of movement is clear and unidirectional. Additionally, Sankey Charts are most effective with smaller datasets, ideally comprising no more than 10-15 nodes, to ensure clarity and readability. Large datasets with excessive nodes or flows can become overwhelming and difficult to interpret.

Sankey Charts are advanced visualization tools designed to depict the flow of resources, information, or energy between different entities. The Edilitics Visualization Module enables users to create intricate and interactive Sankey Charts, facilitating a deeper understanding of complex relationships and data flows within a system. This guide explores the key features, practical applications, and best practices for effectively utilizing Sankey Charts in your data analysis.

Overview of Sankey Charts

Sankey Charts are flow diagrams where the width of the arrows is proportional to the flow rate. They are particularly effective for visualizing the movement of resources or data between various stages or entities, making them ideal for highlighting inefficiencies, identifying bottlenecks, or illustrating the contributions of different components to a whole. Sankey Charts are commonly employed in areas such as energy management, financial analysis, supply chain optimization, and process improvement.

Strategic Applications of Sankey Charts

  • Visualizing Resource Flows: Sankey Charts are ideal for representing the movement of resources, energy, or data between nodes or entities, such as energy transfers, financial allocations, or material flows in a production process.

  • Highlighting Contributions: Utilize Sankey Charts to demonstrate how different inputs contribute to a final outcome or how resources are distributed across various channels.

  • Identifying Inefficiencies: Sankey Charts can reveal inefficiencies or bottlenecks by visualizing where the largest losses or reductions occur within a process.

Core Functionality of Sankey Charts


  • Sankey Charts are composed of nodes (representing entities or stages) and links (representing the flows between them). The width of each link is proportional to the magnitude of the flow it represents, providing a clear visual representation of the most significant flows.

When to Utilize:

  • Complex Systems Analysis: Sankey Charts are ideal for deconstructing complex systems into their component parts, offering a visual breakdown of how different elements interact and where resources are allocated.

  • Resource Allocation Visualization: Perfect for illustrating how resources are distributed across various stages of a process, such as in supply chain management, project budgeting, or energy consumption.

Best Practices:

  • Clear Labeling: Ensure that all nodes and links are clearly labeled with descriptive names and corresponding values, facilitating easy interpretation of the flow and magnitude of each connection.

  • Balanced Layout: Arrange nodes to minimize overlap and crossing of links, preserving the visual clarity and readability of the chart.

2. Proportional Flow Representation


  • In a Sankey Chart, the width of the links between nodes is directly proportional to the quantity they represent. This proportionality enables users to quickly identify which flows are most significant and which are less impactful.

When to Utilize:

  • Comparative Flow Analysis: Sankey Charts are effective for comparing the relative sizes of different flows, such as identifying energy losses across various components of a system or tracking the allocation of funds across departments.
  • Visual Emphasis on Key Flows: Use Sankey Charts to highlight the most important or problematic areas of a process by visually emphasizing the magnitude of key flows.

Best Practices:

  • Consistent Color Coding: Implement a consistent color scheme to differentiate between different types of flows or categories. Use gradients or distinct colors to highlight significant flows or inefficiencies.

  • Avoid Overcomplication: Be mindful of the number of nodes and links in your chart. Too many elements can reduce interpretability. Consider grouping smaller flows or using interactive features to allow users to explore the chart in detail.

3. Interactive Features in Sankey Charts


  • The Edilitics Visualization Module enhances Sankey Charts with interactive features such as hover-over tooltips, zoom functionality, and filtering options, allowing users to explore the chart dynamically and gain deeper insights into the data flows.

When to Utilize:

  • In-Depth Data Exploration: Interactive Sankey Charts are particularly useful in dashboards, where users can drill down into specific segments to access detailed information and gain deeper insights.

  • Enhanced User Engagement: Use interactive features to engage users, enabling them to filter the chart by specific criteria, such as focusing on particular nodes or flows, for a more tailored analysis.

Best Practices:

  • Enable Informative Tooltips: Incorporate tooltips that display additional details, such as exact flow values or percentages, when users hover over links or nodes.

  • Interactive Filtering: Allow users to dynamically filter the chart to focus on specific flows or nodes, enabling more targeted analysis and exploration.

General Best Practices for Creating Sankey Charts

  • Data Preparation: Ensure that your data is well-structured and accurately represents the flows you intend to visualize. Proper data preparation is essential for creating an effective and accurate Sankey Chart.

  • Simplicity in Design: While Sankey Charts are powerful tools, avoid overwhelming the viewer by limiting the number of nodes and links. Keep the chart as simple as possible while still conveying the necessary information.

  • Legend and Annotations: Provide a legend or annotations to explain key features of the chart, such as what the colors represent and how the widths of the links are determined. This ensures the chart is easily interpretable by all viewers.

  • Consistent Scaling: Use consistent scaling for the links to accurately represent the proportionality of the flows, maintaining the integrity of visual comparisons across different flows.

Sankey Charts are invaluable for visualizing complex flows and understanding the distribution of resources or information within a system. The Edilitics Visualization Module empowers users to create detailed and interactive Sankey Charts that can uncover critical insights, such as inefficiencies, bottlenecks, and key contributors to an outcome. By adhering to best practices and utilizing the advanced features of Sankey Charts, you can develop compelling visualizations that enhance your data analysis and support informed decision-making.

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